MBAA Enduro Mingus

Prescott, AZ

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Bib Name Sex Age Stage 2 Time Adjustment Rank
125 ROSHAN PATEL M 19 00:07:05 1
27 AIDEN LAWSON M 17 00:07:19 2
75 MASON PRESTON M 17 00:07:31 3
28 RYLAND HALE M 19 00:07:57 4
122 DAVID BLESSING M 17 00:08:11 5
45 BILLY STRIETER M 17 00:08:40 6
52 WATSON LEE M 18 00:09:56 7
33 NOAH STEPHENS M 17 00:12:15 8
41 JEFFREY DEBUSK M 20 00:12:22 9

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