1. Drink More Water - Drinking more water helps with weight loss. If you drink some water before or after eating, you might feel more satisfied with your meal and not be tempted to overeat. Also, if you begin trying to lose weight and become more active, it is important to stay hydrated. 

2. Give Up One Thing - Get rid of one thing that you eat or drink that isn't good for you. For example, some people drink a lot of soda. Those who don't drink soda may choose to give up some things such as candy or snack foods.

3. Get Active - Getting active doesn't have to mean immediately running out to buy some exercise equipment or a workout video. Just going out on walks or bike rides a few days per week is a good start. Most people have busy schedules and have a hard time fitting a workout schedule into their routine. 

4. Eat More Vegetables - Many people find vegetables inconvenient, perhaps because they don't last long and they require a lot of preparation. If you're short on time and patience, you can buy most vegetables in the produce department of a grocery store already washed, bagged, and ready to eat. Otherwise, you can also buy them frozen in microwavable steamer bags. 

5. Motivate Yourself - Give yourself a goal, something to look forward to when losing weight. Maybe you want to fit back into an old pair of jeans. You might just want to be healthier. Whatever your motivation, make sure your goals are realistic.