RSEQ Laurentides-Lanaudière - Cross-country Primaire

Participant List

Participants 172
  • 100% Male
  • 0% Female
Participant Race Name Age Group Wave

Akbar Farhan Akbari ( Bib # 214 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Benjamin Alarie ( Bib # 1272 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Anthony Alary ( Bib # 1028 )

Collège Laurentien

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Élliot Allard ( Bib # 470 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Nikola Antonacci ( Bib # 215 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Tristan Aubé ( Bib # 216 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Noah Auger ( Bib # 57 )

Amis -Soleils

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Loïc Barbe ( Bib # 217 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Zachary Beaupre ( Bib # 1306 )


P4 M D3

William Beauséjour ( Bib # 1130 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Samuel Beauvais ( Bib # 1212 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Matty Becker ( Bib # 832 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Loïc Bélanger ( Bib # 383 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Zack Bélanger ( Bib # 687 )

de la Vallée

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Justin Bélec ( Bib # 795 )

Mgr Ovide-Charlebois

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Rali Benlimame ( Bib # 775 )

Des Lucioles

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Justin Bernard ( Bib # 384 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

James Berthelot ( Bib # 1029 )

Collège Laurentien

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Yasser Bichara ( Bib # 218 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Philippe Boilard ( Bib # 219 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Albert Boisvert ( Bib # 1030 )

Collège Laurentien

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Loik Bolduc ( Bib # 471 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under

Maddox Boucher ( Bib # 220 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Lucas Matéo Buitrago Flores ( Bib # 221 )

Académie Ste-Thérèse

P4 M D3 14 and Under

Christopher Cabral ( Bib # 1131 )


P4 M D3 14 and Under
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